

AI Regulations – Global Approaches to Combat Money Laundering./ 


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An in-depth look into how authorities the world over are approaching regulating the ethical use of Artificial Intelligence, and the key governance considerations compliance professionals should have in place before deploying it.
AI Regulations whitepaper




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Our whitepaper provides an overview of the current, and widely varying, state of AI regulation in all major financial jurisdictions, offering a valuable source of information to firms at any stage of their AI implementation programme.  

Artificial Intelligence can supercharge the accuracy and scope of compliance platforms, empowering firms to fight financial crime more efficiently and effectively. But there are risks implicit in this degree of automation, and failure to build into any AI system the five key considerations of fairness, transparency, explainability, privacy, and security will see organisations fall foul of the regulator, wherever they are in the world. 

A ‘must read’ whitepaper for all compliance professionals./

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Discover why you should be looking at what AI can deliver and understand the pitfalls to avoid before you enter this brave new world.

yellow tick How to futureproof your investment in AI 
yellow tick The key governance and technical structures you need to put in place before you introduce AI 
yellow tick Which jurisdictions are leading the way in AI regulation – and what global regulation will look like in the future