

Suspicious transaction reporting: how technology
can ease the burden./

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Streamline your reporting process while enhancing data security.
STR eBook




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Reporting on suspicious transactions and entities is a fundamental responsibility for regulated organisations, providing law enforcement with vital intelligence to counter financial crime and appalling predicate crimes.

Organisations face a regulatory and moral duty to uncover the financial trails that help global law enforcement to bring down criminals and their networks.

But it is well known that across the globe that the situation for enforcement agencies is frustrating as they are overwhelmed by increases in suspicious transaction reports – many of which are cited as being of poor quality. Meanwhile, there is little feedback to reporters once a submission is made.

Find out how technology could help turn the tide in our eBook.

Principles found in this Napier ebook./

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Discover how our solution can solve key challenges in collating and filing suspicious activity reports. Learn how our technology can help you create fully compliant reports, swiftly and securely – and help you to better play your part in the fight against financial crime.

Read Suspicious transaction reporting: how technology can ease the burden and discover how to:

yellow tick Embrace next-generation technology as the future of STR filing 
yellow tick Overcome the hurdle of collating siloed, disparate data 
yellow tick Benefit from automating the filing and submission of STRs 
yellow tick Elevate your security to comply with strict tipping off regulations